Saturday, September 28, 2013



One year has passed since my last post - a time too long, but much needed. After coming terms to my father's passing, I realized my career aspirations and desires: Medicine and Fashion. Fashion caters to my artistry, and medicine caters to my curiosity - both appeasing my desire to improve the quality of life for those around me. 

What did I do this past year? Worked as a private tutor at Elite Academy. Volunteered at SuperSibs! Organization - bringing awareness to siblings of children with cancer. Partnered my fashion design with non-profit awareness - SuperSibs! and #ZOHMAHGAWD Campaign. Enrolled at Northwestern University for Biochemistry & Genetics. 
Most importantly, found myself. 

What am I doing now? This past month, I completed the #MCAT Exam and have yet to treat myself. In the next few months, I will be applying to graduate school. To prepare for the chaotic times, I decided a vacation was in order. Thus, I am visiting my uncle in Calgary, Canada - a time for good wine and dining. 

Beanie - @LoveCulture
ZOMG Sweatshirt - @GOCACollection
Leather Pants - @H&M
Boots - @H&M

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